4 Things that a Professional Model Must Have

4modeling tips for beginning models

4 things a professional model must have by Sparks Photography - Atlanta

With Professional Modeling there are 4 things that you MUST have. 1) A Market that is big enough to offer Modeling possibilities. In other words a large enough City nearby that you can tap into. 2) An Agent who has the contacts to get you jobs and who wants to work with you. An Agent is the hardest of these 4 puzzle pieces to find.   Believe me, if you have an Agent that likes you then you are half way to success.  3) You must have a super strong Portfolio of photographs that show what you have to offer.  4) Lastly you have got to have a thick skin for rejection. There are many more models than jobs and you will not fit what the Client is looking for each time you are in play for a job.

At the moment the Economy really stinks and many Advertisers are looking for ways to keep advertising their products but are looking for ways to cut expenses. Unfortunately this means cutting Photography expenses (and that means Models too).  However there are always jobs out there and someone is doing those jobs. You simply need an Agent that is aggressive and has lots of contacts.

I have several posts on my Blog at www.SparksPhotography.com/blog that offer tips to those interested in getting started in modeling. A lot of my blog posts on this blog are for my high school senior portraits because they are SO interested in beautiful pictures but if you look through the archives you will see a lot of info on modeling. Plus I add new stuff all the time.

Best of Luck !!!


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